Ricki Landers

Col. Ricki Landers

Goodwill Ambassador

The Honorable Ricki Landers began with Globcal International to enhance her ability to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Thailand with the development of international tourist destinations.

Sustainable resorts offer the opportunity to learn and explore new cultures and ancient ways of life that are still maintained by indigenous societies today. While touring sustainable villages and resorts within Thailand all food and beverages are derived from locally harvested resources that are grown with non-GMO, wholly organic seeds, and kept clean of any type of toxins or pesticides.

Sustainable resorts within Thailand, have obtained and maintained UNESCO certification. Agriculturalists and scientists have worked together to bring back entire species of once extinct plants and even repopulated species of fish within the Mekong River that once again offer a healthy source of food to the local and indigenous peoples of the Northern and mountainous village of Thailand.

Maintaining higher standards within sustainable development and tourism ensures that further damage due to deforestation and pollution does not occur.